兵权是由刘仕裕执导,黎明,刘丹,邵美琪,刘家辉,惠天赐,黄韵材,关礼杰,王绮琴,关海山主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:历史武侠剧《兵权》根据史实改编而成,刻划家国大事,儿女私情,场面壮观,武打激烈。 故事讲述赵匡胤(刘家辉)与结拜兄妹柴荣(惠天赐)、郑恩及贺彤(梁淑贞)共同扶助郭威(刘丹)建立后周,遭威之女婿张
a close-up on the behind stories of an escalating violence between the police and the civilians. the yelling, smoke, vibrance and rebellious fightings are all very French. the long-shots brought out the tensions very well… the telling of the complexity of what a man stands for makes the film good. sometimes, a rush of blood makes decisions for us.