赛尔号第一季是由王章俊执导,罗玉婷,李晔主演的一部国产动漫。主要讲述了:2100年,地球能源已接近枯竭,环境污染日趋严重。.. 为了实现地外星系探索计划,人类制造了名为赛尔的机器人,并建造能源探索飞船赛尔号。在宇宙探索过程中,他们还发现了外星精灵,这些精灵们成为了赛尔
应该是回顾影史无厘头喜剧这块时无法回避的一部电影和系列。Leslie Nielsen老爷子出演的的这位自带点儿贱气息、却又有着些绅士气质的男主跟这些堪称“祖师爷”级别的无厘头元素合在一起达到了“1+1大于2”的效果。其实最戳我个人点的还是近乎贯穿全片的男主独白/旁白,也不知道是不是在恶搞经典犯罪黑色电影元素233...整体观感比另一部同年代无厘头鼻祖级电影《空前绝后满天飞》要好。四星整。
▤「Whatever you're going through, someone's been through it before you, put it into words.」「We each have to carry our own burden.You're like the explorer. You're further down the road. You've gone on ahead. So if after a while you don't go on anymore, then I'll know that the road is too hard and for too long. I'll know that in the end, the unhappiness wins. But if you do go on and bear it, terrible as it is, then I'll know that however bad it gets, I can last it out because you did before me.」「Sudden Light By Dante Gabriel Rossetti」「Hold my hands and walk the old walk one last time then let me go.」