悲梦是由金基德执导,小田切让,李奈映,朴智娥,张美姬,陈泰贤主演的一部爱情片。主要讲述了:痴迷篆刻的年轻男子镇(小田切让 饰)连续数天被真实感极强的梦所困扰,当梦见开车撞人之后,他立即前往梦中的车祸现场,却发现这一切都曾真实发生。警方调取附近的录像,找到肇事逃逸的车辆,并从家中带走正在
“No one is ever going to hurt you like that again...Coz I love you, and I'm not going to let anything like that happen to you again," said Connell to Marianne, in the car taking them away from her home, with the moon above following them outside the window along the way, and that's the moment when depressed and diffident Connell gets closest to insecure low self-esteemed Marianne through the whole series in my eyes. No more painful repetition, M., no more repetition compulsion.